The smallest ESP32 dev board ATOM is already launched. It is mainly designed for portable embedded systems and IoT development projects. ATOM is more of a complete system rather than a single embedded functional module.There are some awesome projects for ATOM. In case you missed it!
M5Stack Atom Matrix Running MicroPython Meets LoRaWAN
Google Cloud Platform Getting Data from an M5Stack ATOM Sensing the Air-quality
A Simple IMU Sensor Game for the M5ATOM

The internal IMU sensor for M5ATOM Matrix used to detect tilt. If the display shows more red pixels than green pixels, the device has to be tilted to the right. If there are more green pixels, then the unit must be tilted to the left.
M5Atom PS4 Macro Controller Mod

We are planning to develop more extension boards for ATOM such as ATOMIC and AtomEcho. It is expected that they will be available on this Friday!
Furthermore, our engineers will be developing new gadgets for ATOM to play with! AtomFLY, TailBat and Tail485!